Sunday, February 05, 2006

At last!

Wow! It really has been a long, long time since I posted. I suppose I got a little wrapped up in the whole "life" thing.

Let's see, since last I posted I have been:

Run over by a wheel chair and asked for my phone number "to verify insurance information". *rolls eyes and laughs*

Asked if I was down with O.P.P. by a rather fat ugly man. *yawns*

Given a phone number on a napkin and told to keep it close to my crotch. I nearly slapped that guy. *taste of bile in my throat*

At least 3 times had someone "feel like they knew me" from across a room after 2 minutes of talking. *wonders about telepathy over sheer cheesiness*

I won't even try to count the number of times I have been knocked/bumped in to. *rolls eyes*


Tripped on my way to a restroom so a guy could start a convo with me. *laughs*

I have to admit, the whole dating thing seems to be a hazardous occupation. Run over, tripped, and knocked in to. It's a suprise I am not a walking bruise!

Updated information for my dedicated readers. *grins*

Current status: Single
Current dating status: Occupied but Available
Current happiness: Mellow
Current satisfaction: EXCELLENT!

Oh don't go crying babe, I am still single!